Forum: General Topics
Forums / General Topics / Been a long time...
Subject: | Been a long time... | |
ChrisM 15:46 Location: Phone Model: | Hello, It seems like a very long time since I've been on here... Just dropped back to say, my new (well, not that new now) phone is a Windows based one, and though I mostly really like it, I've not been able to find a tracking app that works even half as well as TMJ. But even though my old SE and external GPS bug is still lingering at the back of my underwear drawer somewhere, I regrettably feel that the (rather poor) tracking apps that are available will just about do, and I can't really justify continuing to renew my licence for TMJ. So just to say to Stephen really, even if TMJ is a little bit dated in terms of mobile technology now, in terms of functionally and usability, it is still unbeaten!! Keep up the good work, and if you ever manage to port it to Windows Phone I will certainly be interested!! All the best for the future! Chris. (PS If anyone knows of a decent WP8.1 tracking app please let me know!) | |
Stephen 19:27 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Chris, No problem - all the best to you too! :-) Cheers, Stephen | |
yano 15:58 Location: Phone Model: | Hi ! Pretty curious timing but ... I've changed my mobile as well right now after over ten years of glorious SE K610 ! :) To the contrary of Chris, I've got a brand new BB Z30 and here we go with some questions of mine: 1. I cannot find "TMJ" or "Track My Journey" or "TMJ mobile" on the "BlackBerry World" app store: which name should I search for ?! :-\ 2. I assume TMJ supports Z30 (sw release ... :) 3. How does the whole license/password procedure work now that I've changed my device (FYI: I won't use my old Sony Ericsson anymore) ?? That's it (for the moment) ;) cheers, yano | |
yano 16:07 Location: Phone Model: | Stephen, I think I've sorted it out ... I've found the app BUT with the warning: "Unavailable for this device" (no Download button is displayed) :(( Would you please advise? Thanks. Cheers, yano | |
Stephen 20:05 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Yano, Oh dear, no I'm afraid the Z30 runs BlackBerry's BB10 OS which isn't compatible with TMJ (it would need a complete rewrite to work on BB10, the same as for Android, etc). So it might be the end of the road :-( Regards, Stephen | |
yano 9:43 Location: Phone Model: | :-((((((( anyway it was a pleasure to use TMJ for a long while! :-) take care Stephen! cheers, yano | |
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