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Forums / General Topics / TMJ Issues


Subject:TMJ Issues 



Firstly excellent peice of software, you must have been reading my mind based on how you have addressed my wish list.

Anyway problem I have is that my mobitrack pro works fine with your system other than the fact that I get socket errors, I have always put this down to a fluctuating GPRS network here on the Isle of Wight. So I am now trying your TMJ, everything works fine except for the live data, the TMJ shows the data has been sent by detailing my "last web response" but nothing shows on the live screen. My settings must be correct as I am able to update my Waypoints on the web site then "update waypoints" on the phone and the new ones appear. I can switch between mobitrack and TMJ, mobitrack gives me live data but TMJ does not. The settings are exactly the same in both applications, although mobitrack uses lower case passwords and TMJ seems to use upper case. Playing around it seems that device password is not case sensitive.

Any ideas ??.

Also, having spent hundreds of man hours playing with maps for mobitract should TMJ work with them just by pointing at the file in the settings or is there more to it.






Maastricht, The Netherlands

Phone Model:
BlackBerry Bold

Just to let you know: with my phone (Nokia 6234) and network operator (Vodafone NL), live updating works flawlessy. I've been trying it from Belgium today and this is working as well.

I must say that I had my first "BSOD" today when pressing too much buttons while in map-navigation mode.




Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800


This seems a bit odd - as you say, the phone is definitely connecting to the TMJ website, so its not a username/password issue (by the way, as you've noticed the password is not case sensitive).

When the phone sends its location it first connects to the TMJ website, and then sends the location as 'POST' data. It seems that it is connecting okay (and hence can update its Waypoints, etc), but the POST data is getting lost. Which phone model/mobile network are you using?

Could you try connecting both with and without the 'Web/Send Intermediate Points' option set. Make sure that you have a valid GPS signal when connecting, otherwise it wont send its location anyhow. It probably still won't work, but I'll keep an eye on my upload logs to confirm whether or not it is an issue with the POST data. I've changed a couple of settings for the next release, which might help (should be out in the next few days).

Regarding the MobiTrack maps, yes it should be able to import the MobiTrack file, but set the Map Display Type to 'Single' and Map Image Buffer to zero (or 1 - whichever your phone gives as the minimum). I've had a few problems where the individual maps are quite large (bigger than about 500x500 pixels, depending on your phone memory), so bear this in mind. Overall, if possible I'd suggest converting the maps to the TMJ format - I know this can take time, but it is a more efficient way of storing them.





Many thanks for suggestions.

Sent data from about 9:30pm to 9.38pm using TMJ, without intermediate or from start points.
During which I added waypoint on site and pulled down onto phone but again no live data.

Then switched to Mobitrack and live data was fine, apart from usual socket errors.

Also sent data about 5.30pm, on way home from work but would have had intermediate points and from start points on

Phone is SE 810i, network is 02.






Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800


Thanks for trying - I can see in the logs that your phone has connected successfully, but the POST data is missing as suspected. What I'm a bit confused about is that your phone is almost identical to mine (SE W800i), so I'd have thought that TMJ-Mobile should work the same. Maybe there are differences in the way the phone is setup, or between Vodafone and O2. You say also that you get socket errors with Mobitrack - I've not had these on my phone, so perhaps it is a phone configuration thing?

Have you tried the configurators at O2:
or Sony Ericsson:

Also, check that the settings under Menu/Settings/Connectivity/Settings for Java are correct (this is from the W800i - I guess yours should be similar).

The next TMJ-Mobile update should help - I've removed some of the location data from the POST section and added it to the main connection. Should be ready in the next day or two...





Still struggling with the SE W810i, so I broke out the nokia 6680 fitted with Vodaphone pay as you go and put on TMJ Mobile. I got live data !!.

Had to go to Plymouth today, set it on 60 secs transmit with 5 sec and 5 metre minimums with intermediate points on, sent out a few invites and off I went.

Incredible reliability, over 700 sends with only 4 fails, nearly 2500 points sent.

The 700+ sends took about £7 off the balance, so it was about a penny a send. Fuel and ferry was a little more, not.

I have always been a BT / 02 man, but I was so impressed with the strength of the Vodaphone coverage. In areas the 02 coverage was zero but the Vodaphone hung on.

W810i came in handy as people who I had invited kept phoning up in awe of this amazing system or "is that speed legal".

On the down side, the nokia was showing no data received, no last web response and I cannot drag down the waypoints. It is the exact opposite to the SE W810i but with the important bit working.

I will now start to work on "is it the phones, the setup, the network" issues and feedback any progress.

I have say again, what an excellent piece of software and what an amazing site.





Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Thanks for the compliments - always appreciated!! :-)

Glad to hear you've had some success with the Nokia. Has the latest update (v0.4.5) made any improvement with the W810? I'd also be interested to hear if it works any better or worse on the Nokia - I've just tried it on the Nokia emulator and cant now get it to run at all. I think I might have broken something - more investigation needed...!





Nokia 6680

New TMJ installed, working the same as it did before, live data is good.
I still have the same problem as before in that I can update waypoints and your example will then appear on the site but the ones I created on the site do not come back, no web response etc.

Convinced this is a phone issue as both data sends and waypoints show the send incrementing then a few moments later the received incrementing.

Will play a bit more this end.

SE W810i

New TMJ installed V0.4.5

Now have live data, friends and waypoints updating.
Many thanks great work.

Need to get my head around the maps issue now.






Progress report :-

SE W810i

Interface with TMJ website working very well, both ways.

Got maps working ish, 2 issues with this. Firstly I have to run on single cos if I set it on multiple it will ask to read data forever which maybe something to do with the second issue in that I cannot enter anything into Map Image Buffer. The final affect is that with a "what road am I on" zoom level you spend more time pressing buttons than changing gear.

Nokia 6680

Interface with TMJ website working only in one direction still. The issue with this phone is exactly the same as before. It sends the data a few secs later in confirms received and the live data is good, still no last web response. As before when I update waypoints the example on the phone gets added to my waypoints on the website and disappears off the phone to leave phone with -1 waypoints on general screen.

I have tried all sorts :-.

Re-done GPRS settings with Vodaphone.
Re-done GPRS settings with Nokia.
Unistalled then re-installed.
Unistalled Nokia TMJ and tried with Generic TMJ.

Same result every time.

Still got a few more things to try, ie put O2 card in this phone to check this network although you have already confirmed that Vodaphone is good. Last resort maybe a phone firmware update, bit drastic !. Thought I would check in with and the forum first just in case someone else had the same issue and solved it.

Maps all working fine on this phone


Any tricks for generating maps ?, my procedure for generating a one hit multi zoom street level map directory for the Isle of Wight was as follows :-.

1. Use Mobitract assistant to generate 8 off 3840 by 3840 pixels, google map zoom 200 maps and file. (anything bigger or higher zoom causes Java heap issues in MTA)

2. then use image package to stick these 8 maps together to make one huge 15360 by 7680 pixels image.

3. Then use TMJ Map organiser, load image, view file to determine long and lat extents of image, select image size (used 640 by 640 cut cut down no. of images) ,select all zoom levels, press buttons and go have a very large cup of tea.

Result is 387 off files, 13MB of which 6MB is the TMJ file. SE810i handles this fine. The only draw back so far is that with such a large area and only 4 initial reference points coming down to such a small area I end up driving in the middle of the road in the south of the Island and in field next to the road as I go north. My fix will be to cheat the min and max lat/long after some calculations and regenerate.

My point is, is there an easier way for large areas and high detail. Any tips on map generation from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

Keep up the great work.







Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Hi Pete,

Thanks for the info!

I've just released a new version (v0.4.6) which might hopefully help with a few of these issues...

- I've removed the Map Image Buffer setting (it sets itself automatically now), so the Multiple display type should work better.
- Yes, its a shame Sony Ericsson insist on their phones constantly asking permission to access the filesystem. Theres nothing I can do about this (except buy a digital certificate, which costs a lot!) - I have the same problem with my W800. (By the way, I don't recommend using it for navigating whilst driving - I dont want it to cause any accidents!!)

Nokia 6680
- I'm a bit stuck as to what is causing this issue. Its odd that it is definitely sending the data to the website, but is not receiving anything back. The waypoints disappearing issue confirms this too. (When syncing the waypoints it firstly sends any new points, then deletes them from the phone since they should be received back again from the website, only this last stage is obviously not working correctly!). I've made a few changes to the way it receives data in the new version - does this work any better? Does the 'Bytes Received' value increase at all? Also, do other Java programs work ok with the internet? Eg. the Opera browser - free download from

Sounds like you're doing the right process - I agree its a bit fiddly! A few thoughts:

- I've not tried this directly, but you might be able to avoid the Java heap issues in MTA by starting it with the following command:
java -Xmx1024m -jar dist/MobiTrackAssistant.jar
Experiment with the 1024 figure - this is the number of megabytes of memory that is allocated to the Java program. (Set it to something a bit less than your PCs memory)

- I'm not sure why the Google map accuracy is reducing as you move north - are you sure you've used precisely the right Latitude coordinates.

- You might find that if you use the Multiple map display type, the phone might not be able to handle the 640x640 tile size. It has to load four of these into memory at a time, which would be nearly 5MB (as an uncompressed image). I use 320x320 tiles on my W800 (means even more security messages I'm afraid!)

Good luck!




Hi Stephen

Just thought I would update you on phones, some great work going into updates.


All problems have gone away, the whole system sending, receiving, maps etc all working great.

Nokia 6680

Just about to throw this one in the bin.

Loaded opera mini which worked perfectly

I am not sure what has gone wrong now cos at about the same time you posted various updates, basically it dont work (the sending and rec of data).

It will send the first set then it sometimes gets a reply sometimes not, if it does thats it, no more sends or recs. I have managed to sync waypoints once only in umpteen attempts.

Have tried uninstalling opera mini but no change.

Because I did not make the changes systematically I cannot be sure whats gone wrong. Its strange that something that worked so well on this phone has gone kaput.

It would be nice to hear from someone who has a similar nokia phone with no issues with latest updates.

Anyway 810i was the main concern and thats sorted, keep up the great work.





Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Hi Pete,

Sorry about the delay in replying - thanks for your update...

I've just released a new version - if you turn on the debug options (Main Menu > Display > Show Debug Info), one of the items listed is 'WEB' followed by a load of characters. These are a kind of code that should help me work out at which point in the web connection your Nokia is failing. If you can let me know which characters are displayed when you select the Enable Upload option this might help - no guarantees though!! Also, are there any errors listed in the log (press the [9] key) that occur just after enabling the upload?


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