Forum: General Topics
Forums / General Topics / Some bugquestions
Subject: | Some bugquestions | |
TDHster 17:29 Location: | 1. My tmj 0.5.8 doesn't save track between programm restart? but waypoints saving ok. 2. When entering waypoints coordinates manually forexamle longtitude 37 55.124, it's savin as 37 55.117 same with latitude. | |
Stephen 21:07 Location: Phone Model: | Hi TDHster, I don't know why its not saving the track - are you still using a K750 (it works ok on my W800)? I guess it might be a memory issue - are you using a large map cache, loads of waypoints, or do you have many other Java apps installed that might limit storage? Also, make sure you dont touch the * key when starting the program - this is a shortcut to start it fresh with an empty track and route! Thanks for the D M.MMM bug note - its now fixed for the next version. Its only a display issue - the coordinates are stored correctly internally (it all stored in decimal format anyhow). The DMS and D.DDDDDD display formats aren't affected so you might want to use those until the next version... Cheers, Stephen | |
TDHster 17:04 Location: | Yes, it's on k750 SE. On previous version track was always saving, but maybe other events was occur what have influence. Map cache was off, waypoints - about 200, but new - always saving ok. * - don't touching. I will look more and report to you. About D M.MMM bug - yes, it drive me exactly at right place, it's on look strange :). Waiting new version. Currently look on tmj maps, that placed on site, question appear: how you get maps from OpenMaps for converting it to tmj format? Good luck! | |
TDHster 17:58 Location: | Sorry Stephen, long time ago don't seen tmj map organaizer, you already did interface for it! Thanks! | |
TDHster 5:42 Location: | Reinstall tmj solve trouble with saving track. Seems to be it's my phone bug. | |
wojsyl 19:21 | Hi Stephen, When do you plan to rollout the next version ? I'd like to see the D M.MMM conversion thing fixed, too. | |
Stephen 10:52 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Wojsyl, I currently working on a number of updates to TMJ-Mobile, which could still take quite a while to finish, however I'll try and get something out (maybe just an interim version) by the end of next month. Hope thats not too long to wait! Regards, Stephen | |
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