Forum: General Topics
Forums / General Topics / Export Track problem
Subject: | Export Track problem | |
yano 14:14 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Stephen, it's me again with something else now ... I've right now discovered by chance a weird behaviour in exporting a Track to csv file: on my mobile it looks all perfect but the exported text file contains for all the 338 points a constant lat value = 21.47483647 !! You can check it here in my account: the uploaded track is named TrackTestWeird. Furthermore, TMJ-mobile registered 340 points BUT only 338 have been exported ... Any idea ?!?! Thanks again in advance for your hint ... Cheers, yano | |
Stephen 15:50 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Yano, Yeah, I'm afraid there's a bug in the latest version that has screwed the Track CSV export (and probably GPX too) for lat/lngs greater than about +/-5degs, so its currently not much use except in West Africa! :-( I was notified of this shortly after releasing 0.6.7 (can't remember if it was on- or off-list) - its fixed for the next version... Cheers, Stephen | |
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