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Forums / General Topics / Waypoint format on the website


Subject:Waypoint format on the website 



northern Illinois

Phone Model:
BB 8230

I occasionally share waypoints with my daughter, who uses a Garmin GPS device. Her coordinates are always in the DD° MM.MMM' format. (She could probably choose something else, but that's what she's using.)

example: N 42° 26.612' W 089° 00.698'

I can choose this format in TMJ (Settings:Units:Lat/Long) on my Blackberry so that we both see exactly the same thing. That's great, but I cannot seem to choose this preference when managing waypoints online. I only see DD.DDDD and no option to change the display format. Am I missing something?

What I'm really after is the easiest way to take a set of coordinates in DD° MM.MMM' format - usually received by text or e-mail - and add that to my waypoint list. I'd love to not require a calculator to make the conversion. That's trivial sitting at my desk but a big pain when in the field.




Nailsea, North Somerset, UK

Phone Model:
Nokia N95
Sony Ericsson C905

Actually, you can do this. If you add a waypoint to the website, and use this format, it will convert it automatically. N51°25.56198 (for example) you would just put in as 51 25.56198 and W002°44.18202 would be -002 44.18202 (must be minus, because the field is East, and the co-ordinate is West)





Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Aha, thanks Paul - I'd forgotten that I'd already added the ability to enter the coords in D M S and D M.MMM formats (the same as in TMJ) - nice surprise to see that I don't now need to do this!!

I've just now finally added a Lat/Long format field to the My Account/SETTINGS page, so you can now specify the website coordinate style with the same options as on the phone. Also, when editing Waypoints the page now shows the editable Lat/Long fields in the same style as well (though with slightly more precision to help avoid rounding errors).


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