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Forums / General Topics / Daylight saving time setting


Subject:Daylight saving time setting 




Phone Model:
SE K610i


I've just noticed an odd behaviour of the "Daylight saving time" setting on the TMJ web site: when you toggle it on/off (in summer and autumn), all the times of your previously uploaded tracks change (+/- 1 hour).
That means that a recorded track of August (Daylight saving: On) which started, for example, at 10:00, it's now (Daylight saving: Off) displayed as it would have been started at 09:00 ...
I would expect that the recorded times don't change with the changing of the seasons ... :)
Or do I misuse the "Daylight saving time" setting on the TMJ web site ??
Thanks for your feedback.




Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Hi Yano,

No, I think you're using the DST setting correctly - it is a odd bug that I suspect is going to be a bit tricky to fix.

The timing data that is sent from the phone is always stored in GMT (UTC+0), irrespective of the users individual timezone. When this is then displayed on the site it simply adds the Timezone from the Account Settings (plus 1 hour if DST is ticked) to format the time. So yes, this will end up with odd readouts when viewing a track recorded with a different DST setting (or different timezone for that matter).

To further complicate things, if you look at the same readings on the Track Map page (the one where you scroll the mouse along the track and it gives the location/time at that point), you'll probably find that this does give the correct time. This is because those readouts are formatted via code running on the browser (which knows your computers precise timezone settings), although the readouts will still be wrong if the track was recorded in a different timezone.

I think the core problem is that the site is not currently recording the original timezone from when the track was recorded - I should be able to get TMJ-Mobile to send this info when uploading each track (I'm surprised I haven't added this already!). In fact I can probably quite quickly also add this to existing tracks as a changeable option on the Track Info page. I'm not quite sure how this will affect the Track Map readouts, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it I reckon...!

I must say, the more I think about this, the more confused I am getting!!




Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Quick update...

I've just re-released TMJ-Mobile v0.7.9 with a minor update so that it will now correctly send the local timezone when uploading the track. I'll update the website in the coming days with further modifications to be able to specify the timezone for existing tracks...



Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Ok, I've today updated the website with the new timezone functions. Points to bear in mind:

- Each track now has a timezone associated with it and can be altered on the Track Info page. For existing tracks this has been updated from your Account/Timezone settings (which are otherwise now largely obsolete).

- Ensure you upgrade to TMJ-Mobile v0.7.9 in order for the phone to upload the correct timezone with future tracks.

- Make sure that your phones timezone and daylight saving settings are correct, since this is where TMJ-Mobile takes its initial settings from. If you travel abroad do not just change the clock on the phone. Instead set the timezone/DST to the correct local setting, which should then automatically update the phone clock to the correct time. Failure to do this will result in TMJ-Mobile showing an incorrect local time, which will also propogate to the recorded website tracks.

- Daylight Saving Time is now assumed to be included in the timezone setting, so for example in the UK any tracks recorded in winter will show UTC+0 and in summer UTC+1.

- I've created this page (will only display when logged in) to allow bulk updating of existing tracks' timezone settings. It can also be used to roughly emulate Daylight Saving (plus or minus a day or two) based on the tracks 'week number' (ie 1st Jan is in week 1, 1st July is in week 26, 31st Dec in week 52/53, etc. In the UK the clock usually change around weeks 14 and 44).

Let me know if there are any problems (I'm testing this in the UK at UTC+0 so any bugs might not seem too obvious from here!!)





Phone Model:
SE K610i

Hi Stephen!

thanks a lot for your quick and working fix! I appreciate very much your 24/7 support!!

The "bulk updating of existing tracks" page works like a charm - as far as the new TMJ-mobile version is concerned, I'm gonna install and test it within the next days but I don't expect any problem ... :)


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