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Forums / General Topics / Navigation View - Bug?


Subject:Navigation View - Bug? 



Bedfordshire, UK

Phone Model:
Sony Ericsson W770i, Blackberry Playbook(?)

Hi Stephen,

I thought I'd mention this one, though it's not really a problem for me as I don't usually use the Navigation View (Screen 5).
Was playing around this morning (I'm still messing with the vector map tiles thing). Anyway, I drove to work this morning with the phone in the Navigation screen. I had it set to rotate the map according to direction of travel, and the zoom according to speed setting turned on.
I noticed a couple of times that I seemed to have driven off the edge of the map (the screen still showed my track and waypoints, but not the underlying vector map). If I flipped to screen 4 (Plan) then back to the navigation screen again then the map re-appeared and worked as normal until I drove off the edge of it again...
Not sure if you've ever seen this. I'm guessing that TMJ isn't, for some reason, loading the surrounding map-tiles even though they are cached...?
If you want me to try anything or if you can recommend changing some setting that might be causing this, please let me know.




Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Hi Chris,

I tried the Nav view myself earlier but it seemed to work okay (though it did make me think that I need to improve the Speed-dependant Zooming - I found it used much lower zoom levels (ie zoom 8 instead of 9, 7 instead of 8 etc) than intended, I suspect a bug has crept in there!).

Maybe check it again without the speed zooming enabled, since this can put more strain on it having to load more tiles as your speed fluctuates. Having the track and vector tiles showing on the Nav page will also increase the load (unlike on the plan page) - so maybe turn off the track. And also see if there are any tile loading errors in the event log...



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