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Forums / General Topics / Wishlist for TMJ ;-)


Subject:Wishlist for TMJ ;-) 




If I can to want some news, then this would be:

1. The ability to export my waypoints to the .GPX format on web (JOSM can not import wpt or kml)
2. The ability to view the actual track as a line in realtime (not only one point)
3. Automatically delete the last track after new application start
4. More waypoint groups than 8

If is any of this in plan, I will be like :-))



Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Hi Rolf,

Sorry for the delay (was away for a couple of days)...

" 1. The ability to export my waypoints to the .GPX format on web (JOSM can not import wpt or kml) "
I've now added this to the Waypoints page... :-)

" 2. The ability to view the actual track as a line in realtime (not only one point) "
Yes this is something I do need to improve, though you can (kind of) do it already via the TRACK MAP page - just refresh it every so often to reload the track line...

" 3. Automatically delete the last track after new application start "
I think this might catch too many people out if it always deletes any existing track (even as an option), however you can use the startup shortcut, just press the [*] key whilst TMJ is loading (on the Please Wait screen), and it'll clear the Track and Route to start cleanly.

" 4. More waypoint groups than 8 "
Mmm, I'm not sure about this one, I purposely kept the group number down to help prevent overcomplicating the waypoints screen. Will consider it for a future version, but no promises...!





Hi Stephen, thank you very much for your answer and the implementation of some ideas!
Sometimes I ride on horseback into the woods and Live Tracking is very important for me - the horse is wild and it's good when anyone can find a place where I am lying ;-)
For the export points to GPX (1) I thank you very much, I do not have to worry about GPSBabel
About the possibility (3) I did not know thus solved for me very well
and (4) is not very important for me.
Stephen, thank you, this program is unbeatable!
(and I apologize to everyone for my poor English via Google translator...)

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